As adults we all teach our children about the importance of looking after their teeth, teaching them that they need to brush them twice a day, once in the morning and once at night before they go to bed. Hopefully, this is a message that stays with them throughout their lives, meaning they may stand a greater chance of avoiding serious dental issues that may need invasive dental treatment, such as

Still, as adults how good are we when it comes to taking our own advice? More and more adults are starting to ignore the simple things they need to do to maintain a good standard of oral health. By letting standards slip these adults have started to put themselves at risk of developing serious dental issues, this may then lead to a visit being needed to Plowman & Partners, our dentist in Marylebone.

If we are to set a good example for our children to follow, we need to take the lead, allowing them to see us doing the things we need to do to look after our teeth. So, if we are telling them they need to clean their teeth twice a day, then they need to see us cleaning our teeth twice a day.

Equally, if we are telling our children they need to go to the dentist for check-ups and treatment, then we need to go to the dentist in Marylebone alongside them. This will encourage the development of good habits that will last them a lifetime. Hopefully, ultimately, they will teach these habits to their own children.

Remembering the importance of attending check-ups

If an adult is going to skip or ignore any appointment they may have booked with a dentist, then it is more than likely going to be one of the regular dental check-ups. It’s recommended that we all attend these check-ups and we do not play down the importance they play in managing our oral health and hygiene, which is vital.

The dentist uses these check-ups to monitor the progress of someone’s oral health and hygiene. Charting an individual’s oral hygiene habits and progress can be helpful for the early intervention in any issues and help to prevent the need for dental treatment of an invasive nature being used.

Another use for the regular dental check-up is the fact it allows the dentist to have time to have a conversation with the patient about any concerns either of them has, and this is a helpful tool that should be used to monitor the patient’s oral hygiene and health progress. Where topics are identified to be discussed and addressed, the dentist may make recommendations or refer the patient on to another professional, such as a dental hygienist.

The dental appointment is not just about the teeth, it is about the entire mouth. The dentist will use this time to examine the individual teeth, the gums, and the oral cavity. Where needed a treatment plan can be drawn up in cooperation with the patient.

Final thought

We all must attend the dentist in Marylebone for regular check-ups, that way we can be sure that we can enjoy the best oral health and hygiene standards possible.

If you feel you have neglected your dental health contact us to arrange an appointment as soon as possible.