During our lives we will all find that we may need some form of dental intervention, this could be anything from having our teeth examined to ensure they are fine, to having a tooth extracted to prevent discomfort or damage. The important thing is not to ignore the first signs that indicate to us that we may need to visit the dentist in Marylebone, as early treatment of any condition can be stopped from escalating into something worse.marylebone-dentist

Adults need to recognise that there is a strong need to take their own advice and take the time to look after oral health and address any issues as early as possible, as we all tell our children about the importance of visiting the dentist.

There needs to also be a recognition that our dentist in Marylebone at Plowman & Partners may offer more than check-ups and treatments, as we, like many dentists, are prevention-focused. This means that we are looking to be able to offer strategies that seek to preclude the development of any oral problems. This could take the form of offering the patient some advice that will enhance their oral cleaning routine or referring the patient to another dental professional, such as a dental hygienist.

Using preventive techniques to avoid the need for dental treatment

While preventive dental techniques offer no cast-iron guarantees they can still prove very helpful when used in the correct way, they should be seen as a vital tool in the front line fight for good oral health and hygiene. The dental hygienist can play a key role in this fight, as they bring a new set of skills and techniques to the attention of the patient, with the hope they will engage with them and start to enjoy a higher standard of oral hygiene by doing so.

One of the dental hygienist’s main roles within the dental practice centres around assisting patients to maintain a good standard of cleanliness within the mouth, this helps to keep the teeth and gums healthy. The hygienist will also be able to spot the warning signs that issues are developing and ask our dentist to become more involved in a patient’s case, providing treatment where required.

The dentist is not as bad as people think

We understand that many people have a fear of the dentist, but there is no need for this as our dentist is someone who wants to help patients resolve their oral problems in a way that best suits their needs. We want to try to help you avoid the need for invasive dental treatment and maintain your natural teeth wherever possible.

The strongest tool for this the dentist can call on are the check-ups they carry out on the patient, which allow them to monitor the patient’s teeth, gums, and mouth. This helps to stop any issues as they are developing and allows the action to be taken early that may help the patient avoid serious oral problems. At the check-ups our dentist can also use the time to discuss any concerns with the patient and develop a treatment plan if necessary.

It’s important

Visiting the dentist in Marylebone should be seen as one of the most important things for patients to do, by visiting us for regular check-ups the patient increases their chances of them enjoying a high level of oral hygiene and health.