Regular check-ups at the dental practice may seem like a mundane task to carry out each year, but the impact on your oral health and overall health can be significant. Regular check-up appointments enable your dentist in Marylebone to monitor your oral hygiene methods carried out at home and prevent any serious damage or issues from occurring further down the

Whilst visits to the dental practice are often considered unnecessary, in truth, these regular visits not only keep tabs on the health of your teeth but extends further to your overall oral health. Monitoring your teeth, mouth and gums is of great importance and that is where your dentist in Marylebone comes in. //Taking the first step and contacting your dental practice.//

At Plowman & Partners dental practice, we understand that for some, visits to the dental practice can be unsettling. This is why we concentrate on creating connections with our patients and do our best to encourage positive engagements throughout each visit. From the minute you walk through our doors we aim to be as encouraging and friendly as possible so as to put your mind at ease. Creating positive connections, no matter your age, is of great importance so that together we can work on your overall oral health without the fears.

Finding alternative solutions with a gentler approach to start.

For patients who struggle with the general dentistry side of their appointment, an alternative solution would be to attend regular appointments with the hygienist. Visiting the dentist in Marylebone may be too big a task to begin with but by taking a smaller step and visiting the dental hygienist you are moving in the right direction and ensuring that your oral health receives some form of care rather than none at all. The dental hygienist, whilst may seem the same as a visit to the dentist is actually completely different. Whilst normal dentistry uses the more intensive equipment and methods, the role of the hygienist is to help you understand ways to keep your teeth, mouth and gums clean at home and throughout your daily life. Using less invasive equipment and methods, for some taking a trip to the hygienist can be a manageable and more gentle approach to visit the dental practice and therefore if this suits you better, it is something we are happy to encourage and support. Our aim is to always work together and ensure that together your oral health receives the best care possible even when seeking alternatives.

Discussing your options with the team.

Taking the first step and contacting your dentist  is an excellent way to begin or continue your dental journey. Whether suffering from nerves, looking for second opinions or just starting out on your journey we will work with you to ensure that each step of the way you are supported and guided throughout.

Once you open communication with the dental team we can begin to provide you with the support and knowledge you require to keep your oral health in the best condition possible.