Welcome to our dentist in Marylebone. As a leading local provider of dental care, we are committed to helping our patients maintain optimal dental health.

One of the services we offer is endodontics; this is a specialised field of dentistry that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of the pulp inside the tooth. dentist-in-marylebone

Let’s guide you through the process of endodontic treatment by explaining how it works and why it is essential for preserving your natural teeth

Many people are afraid of endodontic treatment, and some even avoid it altogether. However, the reality is that endodontic treatment, including root canal therapy, is a highly effective and pain-free way to save a damaged or infected tooth. In fact, root canal therapy has a success rate of over 95%, making it a reliable way to preserve your natural teeth.

So, what exactly is endodontics, and why is it important?

Endodontics is a specialised field that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of the pulp inside the tooth. The pulp is the soft tissue within the tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When the pulp becomes inflamed or infected, this brings with it a range of symptoms, including pain, sensitivity, and swelling.

Endodontic treatment, including root canal therapy, is a way to remove the damaged or infected pulp, clean and disinfect the canal, and then fill and seal the space to prevent further infection. This treatment is essential for preserving the natural tooth and preventing the need for extraction.

At our dentist in Marylebone, we offer a range of endodontic services, including root canal therapy, to help our patients get relief from dental pain and preserve their natural teeth. Our team of experienced endodontists use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure that your treatment is effective and comfortable.

The procedure typically involves the following steps:

  1. An X-ray is taken to assess the extent of the damage and determine the treatment approach.
  2. A local anaesthetic is administered around the tooth.
  3. A protective rubber dam is placed around the tooth and prevents saliva from getting in.
  4. An access hole is drilled through the top of the tooth to reach the root canals and pulp chamber.
  5. The damaged or infected pulp is removed from the pulp chamber and root canals using small files.
  6. The canals are cleaned and shaped with additional files to remove any remaining infected or damaged tissue and prepare them for filling.
  7. The canal is filled with gutta-percha to seal them and prevent recontamination.
  8. A dental crown or other restoration may be placed on top of the tooth to restore its function and protect it.

The procedure typically takes one or two visits, depending on the severity of the infection or damage. After treatment is completed, the tooth may be sensitive for a few days, but usually this can be managed with over-the-counter pain medicine.

We understand that many patients are nervous about dental procedures, which is why we prioritise patient comfort and care at every stage of the treatment. Our team will walk you through the entire process and answer any questions before treatment, so you feel informed and comfortable.

If you are experiencing dental sensitivity, it is essential to seek treatment from our dentist in Marylebone as soon as possible. Delaying treatment can lead to further damage, more extensive and expensive treatment, and the loss of your natural tooth.