If you are unhappy with the colour of your teeth then you need to speak to our dentist in Marylebone. Find out about the different types of staining and how we can make your teeth beautiful and white. marylebone-dentist

There are two main types of teeth staining. These are intrinsic stains and extrinsic stains. The outer surface of our teeth is the enamel. The middle layer is the dentine. Extrinsic stains affect the enamel and intrinsic stains affect the dentine.

Extrinsic stains

Extrinsic stains are the most common type of staining. This is when stain molecules build up on the enamel. The enamel is naturally white, however these stain molecules make it appear yellow. Food and drink are common causes of extrinsic stains. If a certain food or drink can stain your clothes then it can also stain your teeth. Tea, coffee and wine can stain your teeth. The molecules attach to the surface of the teeth and if you do not clean your teeth thoroughly, acids can erode the surface of the enamel and the stain molecules can find their way into the inner surface of the teeth. Not only does this affect the appearance of your teeth, but it also affects your dental health. This is why it is very important that you brush your teeth thoroughly after meal times or at least before you go to bed.

Intrinsic stains

Intrinsic stains occur as a result of dental trauma. For example you may have had a trip or a fall when you were younger and the nerves and blood vessels inside the tooth may have burst. This would have released red blood cells throughout the tooth causing a change in colour. This colour becomes deeper over time and shines through the surface of the tooth so that the tooth appears darker in colour in comparison to your other teeth. Certain medications such as tetracycline can cause intrinsic teeth staining, especially when taken whilst the teeth are still developing.

Transform your smile

Extrinsic stains can be easily corrected by our dentist in Marylebone whilst intrinsic stains require a little more work. Extrinsic stains can be corrected using teeth whitening procedures either at our dental practice, Plowman & Partners, or our dentist in Marylebone will prescribe a home treatment kit and you can whiten your teeth safely and gradually from the comfort of your own home.

If you are affected by intrinsic staining then this cannot be treated by teeth whitening. Our dentist will examine the tooth concerned and help decide what the best option is for you. If the tooth is stained and damaged at the same time, then you may require a crown to cover the tooth completely. If the tooth is stained yet healthy and strong then we may recommend  using a veneer to disguise the colour of the tooth. A veneer covers the front surface of the tooth whilst your natural tooth remains intact.

To find out more about teeth whitening and transforming the appearance of your smile you need to speak to our dentist at Plowman & Partners today and book an appointment so that we can put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you.