Gingivitis is quite common. It is a gum disease and is affecting millions of people around the globe. As dental professionals, we at Plowman & Partners believe, as your dentist in Marylebone, it is essential to educate our patients about the signs and symptoms of this condition to ensure early detection and prompt treatment. By understanding the early indicators of gingivitis, you can take proactive steps to maintain your oral health. Join us as we delve into the tell-tale signs of gingivitis that you should never ignore.


1. Bleeding gums

One of the primary signs of gingivitis is bleeding gums. If you notice blood on your toothbrush or in the sink after brushing or flossing, it may be an indication that you have gum inflammation. This bleeding occurs due to the buildup of plaque around the gum line, irritating and inflaming the delicate gum tissue. While occasional bleeding may be easy to dismiss, persistent gum bleeding should never be ignored. Our team of experienced dentists at Plowman & Partners can assess your condition, provide a thorough cleaning, and recommend personalised oral care practices to prevent further gum damage.

2. Redness and swelling

Healthy gums should have a pinkish hue and feel firm to the touch. However, when you have gingivitis, your gums may appear red, swollen, and tender. This is a clear indication that your gums are inflamed and require immediate attention. At Plowman & Partners, your dentist in Marylebone, we offer comprehensive gum evaluations to determine the extent of your gingivitis and devise a tailored treatment plan. Our dental professionals will provide guidance on proper brushing and flossing techniques, along with any additional therapies that may be necessary to restore your gum health.

3. Persistent bad breath

Almost everyone experiences bad breath from time to time, usually caused by the foods we eat or poor oral hygiene. However, if you have persistent bad breath that does not improve even after brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, it could be a sign of gingivitis. As plaque accumulates along the gum line, bacteria thrive, leading to a foul odour. Don’t let bad breath affect your self-confidence. Visit Plowman & Partners, and our dedicated team will thoroughly assess your gums and recommend effective treatment options to combat bad breath and the underlying gum disease.

4. Receding gums

In advanced stages of gingivitis, you may notice your gums starting to recede or pull away from your teeth. This can make your teeth appear longer than usual and cause increased tooth sensitivity. As the gum tissue pulls back, it leaves pockets where bacteria can accumulate, leading to further damage if left untreated. Our compassionate dental professionals at Plowman & Partners can evaluate the extent of gum recession and determine the best course of action to restore your gum health and protect your teeth.

5. Tender or loose teeth

Gingivitis weakens the gum tissue that surrounds and supports your teeth. Consequently, you may experience tenderness or slight pain when chewing or brushing, and your teeth may feel loose or shift slightly. If left untreated, this condition can progress to more severe periodontal diseases, which may ultimately result in tooth loss. But fear not! Our skilled dentists at Plowman & Partners have the expertise to diagnose and treat gingivitis effectively, preventing further complications and ensuring the longevity of your natural teeth.

Don’t delay, take action today

As oral health professionals, we strongly advise our patients to seek prompt dental care if they experience any of the above symptoms. Ignoring the signs of gingivitis can lead to severe oral health problems down the road, which is why early detection and treatment are crucial. Remember, as your dentist in Marylebone, we at Plowman & Partners are here to support you on your journey toward a healthy and vibrant smile. Book your appointment with us today and let us help you maintain optimal gum health.